Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Retirement bites? Almost half of Gen Xers say they'll need a miracle to retire.

Retirement bites? Almost half of Gen Xers say they'll need a miracle to retire.

Article Excerpt: "...The oldest members of Generation X are turning 59 1/2 this month, the earliest age when workers can start withdrawing retirement assets without a penalty. But many Gen Xers are far from prepared for their golden years, with almost half saying it would take a "miracle" for them to be able to retire, according to a new Natixis study. Gen X — people born between 1965 and 1980 — is the first generation of U.S. workers to come of age with 401(k) plans as their primary retirement vehicle after employers largely shifted away from traditional pensions in the 1980s. ..."


Destruction of the Social Security Recipient,