Wednesday, October 28, 2015

File-and-suspend and other Social Security strategies clipped

Congress patches Social Security, Medicare

Article Excerpt: "...File-and-suspend and other Social Security strategies clipped. Closes some loopholes in Social Security's rules about deemed filing, dual entitlement and benefit suspension in order to prevent individuals from obtaining larger benefits than Congress intended. The new rules affecting dual entitlement affect people who turn 62 after 2015. Rules eliminating benefit suspension will take effect 6 months after the new law is approved..."


filing a restricted application (Social Security), file-and-suspend (Social Security),

Monday, October 26, 2015

The best states for an early retirement

The best states for an early retirement

Article Excerpt: "...considered sales tax rates, property tax rates and living costs such as health insurance and housing. Click ahead for a look at the top states for an early retirement..."


Best States to Retire Early,

Sunday, October 25, 2015

No Social Security raise as prices climb: Data backs local seniors’ worries

No Social Security raise as prices climb: Data backs local seniors’ worries

Article Excerpt: "...“I know my costs have gone up,” she says. Rent on her apartment, which eats up half her income, increased this year. So have her grocery bills. And she expects her utilities to go up next year..."


2015 Social Security COLA, COLA,